Over a number of years the residents of Fulking and others passing through the village, have suffered from the inconsiderate parking of some visitors, especially in the vicinity of The Shepherd & Dog during Bank Holidays and sunny weekends. Although we want to encourage people to visit Fulking, we also want them to park considerately so that traffic can flow through the village.
Action Taken so far
In 2016, in consultation with West Sussex County Council highways department, Fulking Parish Council (FPC) decided to install “unofficial No Waiting signs” on the bend by Stammers Hill and purchased some no waiting cones. In addition a number of “Blue Cones” have been placed by The Shepherd & Dog alongside the pub and on the north side of Edburton Road. Although these measures have had some success, the cones are unsightly and some have been damaged by passing traffic.
What is the Proposal?
FPC is keen to take further steps to help improve the parking situation. It is considering painting street lines on both sides of The Street running down the hill from the black Lamp Post (adjacent to the water trough by the North Town Field) to The Shepherd and Dog. One set of lines will be continued on the north side of Edburton Road round the bend and up towards the village sign. (Click here to see map)
Residents views to be sought
Recognising that residents will have different views FPC wishes to get feedback to help guide its decision. This is being obtained through the FPC meeting on 12th April 2018, via this survey and from those residents whose properties are directly affected.
What are the options?
- Double Yellow Lines – with no waiting signs – Legally enforceable no waiting proposal which will require the approval of West Sussex County Council. This may take some time to implement.
- Single White Line – Quicker to implement and will hopefully discourage people from parking but it is not a legally enforceable parking restriction.
- No Lines – no change to current situation

We would welcome more detailed comments by email:- click here to draft email
Survey closes 10th May.