Fulking Attempted Break-in

On 16/01/2013 at approximately 0350 hours police received a call re prowlers on someones drive in Edburton Road, Fulking and an attempt break to car and/or house. Police attended but it would appear there was no trace of these people.

If you saw anything suspicious during that time or if you have any information relevant to this incident could you please call Sussex Police on the non emergency number 101 quoting reference 0097 – 16/01/2013.

Alternatively you could contact CRIME STOPPERS (anonymously) on 0800555111

Teresa Bevan
PCSO 25866
Hassocks, Keymer and Clayton Areas.

Shed Security

Mid Sussex Community Safety Partnership gave local people the opportunity to protect their property from opportunist thieves looking to target poorly secured sheds. As the evenings grow longer shed security can be even more of an issue.

With this in mind the Partnership has now purchased additional shed alarms and residents who missed out can now get a discounted alarm. The shed alarms are available at the reduced rate of £7, which is £11 cheaper than the normal retail price of £18 and are available to buy from Town Help Points in Burgess Hill, East Grinstead and Haywards Heath.

Residents are also being encouraged to take a few simple steps that will help to keep their shed safe and secure;

  • Use a good quality padlock or mortice lock on the door of your shed
  • Protect the boundary and access to your garden with fences, walls and lockable gates
  • Make sure the door panel on your shed is strong enough
  • Put up security lighting around your shed
  • Lock valuable items together to prevent them being removed easily
  • Help to track your property by registering it for FREE at www.immobilise.com

2012 10 11 PC Minutes

Minutes of Ordinary Parish Council Meeting at 7.30pm on 11 October 2012 held at the Village Hall

Present: Chairman Ms K. Watson, Vice Chairman Mr M Trist Councillors Ms L. Dyos, Mrs P. Rowland and Clerk to the Council Mrs Andrea Dickson. Chairman of Mid Sussex Council Mandy Thomas-Atkins, MSDC Councillor Colin Trumble, West Sussex District Councillor Peter Griffiths and 12 members of the public

1. Chairman welcomed the members of the public and introduced Chairman of Mid Sussex Council — Councillor Mandy Thomas-Atkins

2. Apologies: None

3. Declaration of Interest: None

4. The minutes of the previous meeting held 12 July 2012 having been previously circulated, were taken as read and approved and signed by the Chairman.

5. Matters Arising.
Planning: Old Pump House — In July 2012 enforcement order that was lodged in October 2011 was upheld by the planning inspector. A period of 9 months has been given to cease residential use and one extra month to remove the caravan and tidy up the land.

Market Garden — The PC met with Nick Rogers (Development Manager) and Steven King (Team Leader) planning investigation and enforcement, both Mid Sussex planning, at the end of August. Market Garden and other general planning queries were discussed. Progress with Mid Sussex planning will be monitored. The PC will be writing to MP Nick Herbert to ask for his help in addressing various issues relating to travellers. The PC was disappointed to hear that some residents did not feel that it had pulled its weight over the Market Garden issue. The councillors felt it needed to go on record that a large amount of work goes on behind the scenes and that they felt very frustrated over the issue. The public could comment on this matter at the end of the evening when comments are invited from the floor.

Preston Nomads — Only 4 (possibly 2) of the initial 6 people are still interested in the parking spaces. Residents who wish to take up the parking spaces need to collect padlock keys, those who do not intend taking up the spaces need to return the post keys. If anybody knows of anybody else that may be interested in a space please contact the Clerk. The car park area will be planted this month with indigenous plants. The possibility of filling in the potholes in the bridleway immediately outside the entrance is being looked into by Preston Nomads. The PC wish to thank Paul Hird for his work on this matter. (Clerk) A reminder that planning applications which fall within the SDNP are now posted on the South Downs website rather than Mid Sussex.

Highways: A meeting was held with highways on the 25 September to discuss ongoing problems.

Shepherd & Dog — A temporary cure is in place; however with autumn approaching it is felt that more work needs to be carried out. WSCC have investigated and will submit a request for further works, after which the PC will look at turfing the banks to complete the works. Stones have been washed down from the bridleway onto the highway by The Shepherd & Dog. Highways are going to discuss this with the bridleway owner and public rights of way.

Lady Brook Spring — A works order has been raised by WSCC to fence the spring. As a temporary solution the bollards will be replaced with a fibreglass plate over the entrance. A notice will be placed in Pigeon Post to gauge interest in making a feature of the spring. (Clerk)

Four Acres Corner — The drain & pipe have been flushed through. The size of the sump should have been increased at the same time — this was not done. Tim Boxall WSCC will chase this up. Once this work has completed the PC will monitor the situation.

Clappers Lane banking — The condition of the banking is the responsibility of the adjoining landowners. Highways have written to them but received no response. Highways suggested that the PC write to the Landowner & the person responsible for the damage Grange Farm and Badgerswood respectively. (Clerk).

Clappers Lane road surface — Highways will write to the landowner opposite The Sands to request that the ditches be cleared/kept clear. Highways were on site earlier today with Drainage Strategy team to look at the north end of the road. Contrary to what the PC had previously been told, it appears that no works order had been placed for the road surface to be repaired prior to that meeting. Highways suggested that all landowners be reminded to cut back hedges as winter approaches- this should be a request in Pigeon Post. A suggestion was made at the Village Plan meeting that signs could be placed at the north end of Clappers Lane saying something like “do not follow SatNav – unsuitable for large vehicles” Highways and PC will look for suitable signage for each end of the village.

Footpath 4f — This is still with the legal department; the order is expected to be made in the near future. The PC will be advised and then there will be a 28 day statutory objection period.

Stiles & Gates — The repair and maintenance of stiles and gate on public rights of way are the responsibility of the landowner over which the route crosses. This is also the case for trees, hedges, side vegetation and fences. The only exception are bridges which are the responsibility of Highways.

Ram Pump House — The National Trust have completed the work on the door and lock. Kate Watson and the National Trust are the key holders.

North Town Field — This will be addressed as a separate agenda item.

Councillor Vacancy — There is still a vacancy so please ask around.

PC Official documentation — The Standing orders, Financial Regulations, Code of Conduct and Declaration of Interest are all available via the Website, or as a hard copy from the Clerk.

Training Courses — The Clerk is half way through the first module of the Working with your Council Course. The clerk is also attending a networking day in November.

Joint Parish Meeting — This was held at Albourne in September. Councillors were present from Albourne, Poynings, Twineham and Woodmancote. Disappointingly nobody from MSDC planning attended the meeting, even though they were invited as a large part of the meeting revolved around planning. Councillor Sue Seward has asked to be copied in on any planning issues, and she will try and arrange a meeting with the planning dept to discuss concerns. All councils will review in six months and decide the way forward. Faster Broadband was discussed at the meeting; Fulking had a good response with 66 households expressing an interest in faster broadband. Please encourage anybody who has not already signed up to the scheme to do so. Suppliers are being invited to tender by the summer of 2013 with the faster broadband being in place by 2015.

Website — The new website is up and running and very easy to use. The new website address is fulking.net.

WSCC Councillor Peter Griffiths gave a brief report. He apologised for his absence from recent meeting; this is due to a clash of duties. In the future the two main costs to West Sussex will be care of the elderly and the cost of waste disposal. Providing these services will mean that other services will need to be reduced. It was suggested that an article be placed in the Pigeon Post with regards to the mobile library service. (Clerk)

6. Councillor Colin Trumble MSDC gave a brief report: Council Tax changes to benefits consultation will be completed by December. Auditing of single occupancy claims will be carried out to ensure it is fair. E-bills will be available to those who wish to pay that way, it is envisaged that this will save a lot of money. Grants to community groups that do not need matched funding. Money may still be available, but would have to be spent within the current financial year. Colin to provide more information on this. Budget Work has started on this for 2013/2014. Travellers were mentioned briefly and Councillor Linda Dyos said that he would be hearing from the PC shortly on the matter. Councillor Colin Trumble left the meeting 7.45pm for other commitments.

7. Financial Matters. The following payments were agreed and cheques signed: 100582 SALC Clerk’s networking day 60.00; 100583 Clerk’s salary & expenses 934.77; 100584 Councillor expenses 11.20. Cheque stubs were cross checked with the cheque list and both signed. The quarterly bank reconciliation was checked and signed. It was agreed that the Financial Regulations would be changed to state Internal audits would be carried out Annually rather than regularly as previously stated. (Clerk) It was agreed that the PC would look into setting up E banking (Chair)

8. Winter Management: The winter management plan is well underway. A meeting will be held in the next few weeks with WSCC to discuss the plan. Once it has been finalised a copy will be posted on the website and on the parish notice board. (Clerk) Farmer David Ellin still has an agreement with WSCC for the loan and use of the snow plough .(Michael Trist will contact the farmer when it is necessary to use the snow plough ). The clerk attended the Mid Sussex Emergency Planning liaison Group meeting in September and had nothing to report back from the meeting. It was felt that as Fulking is a small parish, the meeting would not have much relevance and therefore apologies would be sent for future meetings.

9. Risk Assessments: The Financial risk assessment and risk assessment having previously circulated were agreed and adopted. They will be placed on the website or hard copies available via the clerk. (Clerk)

10. Playground inspection review: The annual Rospa inspection was carried out in June; this highlighted a low risk of entrapment in the gate. The PC asked if anybody had any ideas how this risk could be eliminated? Mark Stepney will carry out the remedial work on the trip hazard and the moss which were also highlighted in the annual inspection. The weekly inspection rota needs to be updated. (Clerk). New inners for the bins in the playground need to be purchased (Clerk)

11. Community Bus: Has provided a service to Fulking for 20 years two days per week. It is free to bus pass holders, otherwise journeys will cost between 1-2 depending on the length of the journey. The PC agreed to give a contribution of 100 for this financial year. This will be reviewed annually. An article will be put in Pigeon Post to give details of the service provided. (Clerk) A thank you letter is to be sent to the providers (Clerk).

12. Fountain: The PC will arrange for the bollard in front of the fountain opposite Laurel House, to be fixed. Paula Hazard has the bollard. (Pam Rowland to contact Mark Stepney).

13. Crime Update: Crime in Fulking was low over the summer. Please stay vigilant. A notice about cheap shed alarms from MSDC will be placed in the noticeboard, website & Pigeon Post. (Clerk)

14. Comments from the floor: Card making day on 13 October. The Police Authority Elections were mentioned. Where is the Polling Station? This is to be looked into & published on website and noticeboard.The Polling Station is Playing Field Pavilion, Poynings BN45 7BH (Clerk)

15. Dates of the next meeting: The next Parish Council meeting will be held on 10 January 2013

Meeting closed at 9.05pm

[ BoilerPlate plate = “PC_Disclaimer” ]

NeighbourHood Watch Update

neighbourhood watch logoPlease report all non-urgent Neighbourhood Watch problems promptly to Sussex Police on 101 (15p per call). If you don’t report problems, the Police can’t tackle them! Log the incident reference number, plus date, that the Police will give you.

However – ‘Crime in Progress’ (even if it seems minor) call 999 – the staff are trained to check all the details with you, and also to decide how urgently a police/ fire/ ambulance response is required. If you are deaf, or speech impaired, you can text a mobile phone message describing the problem to 65999.

Our Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) is Anika Clough, who also covers Poynings, Pyecombe, etc. She can be contacted on 101, ext 22316, or on 07884-202596, or on anika.clough@sussex.pnn.police.uk.

It’s important to also report burglaries/damage to Richard Corner, on 219, together with incident ref and date. It helps me to link which crimes are related, and helps the Police catch the offenders.

If there’s any urgent news, I’ll post it on the PCC noticeboard, and fulking.net.

Richard Corner (219)

Police and Trading Standards issue cold caller warning

neighbourhood watch logoPeople should be wary of buying goods from cold callers after dozens of reports of suspicious sellers in villages across Sussex.

Residents have been calling police and Trading Standards about vans turning up in streets and opening their doors to illegally sell chainsaws and televisions amongst other items.

There have been reports of people have paying a high price for the items to find they are cheap and of poor quality.

Sgt Chris O’Leary said: “We have had reports of illegal selling of chainsaws and gardening equipment in numerous locations including Horsham, Littlehampton, Worthing, Uckfield, Hastings, Lewes, Mid Sussex and Rye in recent weeks.
“As a police service we need to reduce the risk to people and warn them to be wary of buying from cold callers. If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is. However, at this time, we have not linked the goods to any theft offences.”

Louise Baxter, Trading Standards Team Manager at East Sussex County Council, added: “With the recent warmer weather we’ve seen a rise in incidents of cold calling and illegal sales across East Sussex. We are very concerned, especially when older or vulnerable people in our communities are targeted and we would advise people to avoid the cold callers and only use reputable traders.”

East Sussex County Council has the following advice for people:

  • Do not deal with people who knock on your door offering to do home improvement work or want to store their equipment on your property
  • If you do receive such a call, then stop before you answer the door, put the chain on and check the person’s credentials. If you do not know the caller do not let them in, as once they are in it may be very difficult to get them to leave.
  • Do not agree to any work where the caller says “we are only in the area today”
  • Do not be enticed into hiring the caller on the basis that they will offer you a reduction in price, if you allow them to store their machinery on your property.
  • Do not buy TVs or other goods from cold callers or from people selling goods from vans parked in car parks.

East Sussex County Council Trading Standards has a good trader scheme ‘Buy With Confidence’. The list contains a diverse range of businesses including builders, plumbers and gardeners. In East Sussex, to find an Approved Trader please call 01323 463440 (Option 1) or visit http://www.eastsussex.gov.uk/buywithconfidence.

West Sussex County Council also has advice about cold callers on their website at http://www.westsussex.gov.uk/living/consumer_advice/consumer_issues/no_cold-calling_at_my_home.aspx along with information about their ‘Buy With Confidence’ scheme.

For consumer advice on trading standards issues, contact the Citizens Advice Consumer Services line on 08454 040506.


John Wright
Sussex Neighbourhood Watch Federation.

Sussex Police Crime Prevention Advice

neighbourhood watch logoSussex Police are investigating a number of mainly overnight burglaries where homes have been broken into so that keys to the homeowner’s cars can be taken and the vehicle stolen.

The purpose of these burglaries is to ultimately steal the car.

Simple things can be done to prevent a home and vehicle being targeted, such as:

  • Make sure your home is secure and doors are locked
  • UPVC doors need to be double locked to ensure security
  • If you have a garage place your vehicle in it overnight. Make sure the garage is locked
  • Take the car keys and other small valuable items i.e. handbags, phones upstairs at night
  • Don’t leave the car keys in an ‘obvious place’
  • Set any house alarm
  • Consider fitting a ‘tracker’ to your car. Some second hand cars still have them fitted already. See if yours has
  • Use security lights outside the house
  • Don’t leave important documents or valuables in any car

Most burglars are lazy and will move on if it looks too difficult for them.


Please call Sussex Police on 101 or crime stoppers if you have any information or need further advice.

If you see persons acting suspiciously in your area during the early hours please call Sussex Police immediately.

PCSO Jayne Milne
Haywards Heath Neighbourhood Policing Team

Sussex Police Logo

Hot Weather!

neighbourhood watch logoNow the hot weather has finally arrived please can I remind you to ensure that you lock your windows and doors when you are not indoors. Also please do not leave car windows open whilst they are parked on your driveway.

Dogs in cars

Hot DogPlease can I also remind you not to keep any dogs in any car no matter how little time you are away for – dogs can die within 15 minutes in a hot car.

Kind regards

Pc Nick Follett DF198
East Grinstead Neighbourhood Policing Team.

Metal theft

Crimestoppers logoTheft of metal from public buildings and installations such as railways and building sites is now one of the fastest rising crimes, with costs to the UK economy estimated at £770m each year.

‘Metal theft is the hot topic today,’ says Kathy Burke, volunteer chair of Sussex Crimestoppers.

‘Many of us may well have felt the impact of metal theft on our day to day lives: train cancellations from cable and track theft, loss of phone and internet connection, school closures. Crimestoppers offers a safe and anonymous way to stop the thieves by contacting us on 0800 555 111 or using our secure, online form direct from a mobile phone at www.crimestoppers-uk.org.’

Residents urged to keep personal details safe

Action Fraud logoResidents in Mid Sussex are advised to be extra careful when sharing personal information such as bank account details. There have been a few incidents in the area when individuals claiming to be employees of a local Council or the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) have asked residents for personal information. The callers suggested that the residents may be entitled to a Council Tax refund or other benefit credit and that the residents’ bank account details are required to make the payment. Residents are reminded that the Council will never ask for bank account details over the telephone and asks all residents to be mindful of these bogus callers.

Here are some tips from Action Fraud:

  • Don’t give out any personalinformation (name, address, bank details, email or phone number) to organisations or people before verifying their credentials
  • Don’t click on web links in emails that pretend to be from the bank
  • Destroy and preferably shred receipts which have your card details on
  • Sign up to ‘Verified by Visa’ or MasterCard ‘Secure Code’ for shopping online to add an additional layer of security
  • If you receive bills, invoices or receipts for things you haven’t bought or from financial institutions you don’t normally deal with, query the information as identities may have been stolen

Visit www.actionfraud.police.uk or call 0300 123 2040 to speak with a specialist fraud advisor.


neighbourhood watch logoThere was a burglary in the area w/c 2 July. Cash and jewellery were taken. The owners were out for just 40 minutes, unusually leaving no car on the drive, although television and radio were left on.

There has also been a cold caller, claiming to be deaf and trying to sell his artwork, but only carrying a small rucksack. He could be genuine, but he could be checking if properties are unoccupied. Please be extra vigilant, especially with this time of year being the holiday season.